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    Preservation Education Colonel Stephenson  

Colonel Benjamin Stephenson's Life
1769 – 1820

  Life Timeline  

1769 Born on July 8, in York County, Pennsylvania.
About 1791 Emigrated with parents to Berkeley County, Virginia.
1799 Married Lucy Swearingen in Virginia.
1809 Second Sheriff of Randolph County, Illinois Territory.
1812-1814 Advanced to Colonel in two campaigns of the War of 1812.
September 1814 Elected Delegate from Illinois Territory to the 14th United States Congress.
September 1814 The unprecedented third term of the 13th Congress convened. Washington had been burned by the British in August.
October 1814 Stephenson is appointed to fill the seat of Shadrach Bond, retiree, in 13th Congress.
November 14, 1814 Stephenson takes his seat in the 13th United States Congress, filling the seat of Bond.
May 11, 1816 President James Madison appoints Stephenson Receiver of Moneys of the newly established Edwardsville Land Office.
1818 Edwardsville’s first bank opens. Stephenson is one of organizers and elected president of the bank.
1818 Stephenson is a Madison County Representative to the Constitutional Convention in Kaskaskia, to frame State of Illinois Constitution.
February 23, 1819 Edwardsville receives town charter from State of Illinois. Stephenson appointed as a member of the Board of Trustees.
August 6, 1819 Stephenson, Illinois Sub-Agent for Indian Affairs, assists Auguste Chouteau in negotiating treaty for the United States to purchase 14 million acres in central Illinois from the Kickapoo Indians.
1820 Began construction of his new home south of Edwardsville.
1822 Died October 10, in his home. Was buried in Lusk Memorial Cemetery, Edwardsville, Illinois.

© 2007 The Friends of the Benjamin Stephenson House