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    Preservation Education Colonel Stephenson  

Inside the
Stephenson House
Henry's Maze
Henry Coloring Page 1
Henry Coloring Page 2

Henry the Stephenson House Mouse

The restoration of the Stephenson House and the ever growing research of Benjamin Stephenson were fascinating projects. The restoration was a once in a lifetime experience for the Edwardsville area. Research of Benjamin Stephenson brought Ben and his family to life for all involved. It needed to be told.

Henry, the Stephenson House mouse, came upon the scene. This little mouse saw all, heard all and knew all the old Stephenson family stories. The rest is history as told in the Intelligencer bi-monthly column "Inside the Stephenson House".


Click to view larger image.Henry the Stephenson House Mouse: A Diary
by Karen Campe Mateyka
with illustrations by Kathryn Stullken Hopkins

is available at
The 1820 Colonel Benjamin Stephenson House
409 S. Buchanan, Edwardsville, IL.

All proceeds from books purchased at the Stephenson House benefit the House.


In this book, as in Henry's articles in the Edwardsville Intelligencer, Henry provides the details of the house’s restoration and tells the history of the Stephenson family. The book is based on the newsletters first published bi-monthly in the Edwardsville Intelligencer.

The book is available at the Stephenson House Museum Shop.


© 2007 The Friends of the Benjamin Stephenson House