Ben’s Brigade

The Illinois Militia was formed in 1809 by Territorial Governor Ninian Edwards after Illinois became a separate territory from Indiana that year. Governor Edwards, along with his associate Benjamin Stephenson, were officers in the militia. Governor Edwards was the Commander of the Militia, and Major Stephenson was his Brigade Inspector.
The Col. Benjamin Stephenson House, located in Edwardsville, Illinois, is reforming the Militia to show how the early pioneers of Madison County looked as they defended their country during the War of 1812. The reformed militia dresses in the correct clothing of the era, is armed with period firearms and performs the same drill as their ancestors.
The Militia is currently looking to add some members to their ranks. If you believe that you would enjoy learning more about the history of Madison County, the State of Illinois, and life as it was lived two hundred years ago, we invite you to give the Militia a try. This offer is open to anyone interested in reliving life on the Illinois frontier, male or female, who has the desire to learn about the clothing, drill and lifestyle of the past.
Meetings are held monthly during the winter months, and drill practice will begin in the spring. If interested, contact;

Walt Raisner
Col. Stephenson House
(618) 692-1818
RoxAnn Raisner
Stephenson House
(618) 692-1818