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Campbell House Museum Built in 1851, the first house in the elegant Lucas Place neighborhood, the Campbell House was the home of renowned fur trader and entrepreneur Robert Campbell and his family from 1854 until 1938. The museum contains hundreds of original Campbell possessions including furniture, paintings, clothing, letters, carriages and a unique set of interior photographs taken in the mid 1880s.

Historic Marbold Farmstead The Marbold Farmstead was the central hub of the Marbold family farmland holdings, which consisted of over 4,000 acres. It was virtually self-sufficient, with several barns, dairy, chicken house, smoke house, ice house, boiler house and pump house.

Authentic Portrayal of an 18th Century Barber Surgeon His name is Joseph La Bolle and he lived in 18th century America. He spent his days on the battlefields of the RevolutionaryWar. The tools he used were primitive but his collection was vast. Take a walk through yonng America and see what our forefathers endured to give us the treatments and luxuries of modern medicne.

Madison Historical: The Online Encyclopedia and Digital Archive for Madison County, Illinois

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